What Makes Your Hair Grow Faster & Longer & Thicker

Had a bad haircut? Want to grow your hair longer and faster and asking this question:

“What makes your hair grow faster and longer? maybe also thicker?

There are many factors that makes your hair grow faster. First you need to decide if you want to follow natural or unnatural steps to make your hair grow faster. Always natural ways are better than unnatural ways. Some of the natural ways to make your hair grow thicker and faster:

  • Get regular trims: Get regular trims from split ends and get rid of the damaged and unhealthy hair. This will make your hair a little bit shorter but in the long run it will help your hair to be healthier and better condition.
  • Stay healthy: Get regular sleep, eat fruits and vegetables, stay away from caffeine, alcohol fast food etc. Follow anything you would hear from your doctor to stay healthy.
  • Massage your hair scalp: Massage increases blood circulation which will stimulate hair scalp and help your hair to get stronger.
  • Get daily vitamins: Getting daily vitamins or biotin pills will help your hair grow thicker and faster. I don’t consider this step unnatural, but I would always recommend to ask your doctor before taking any pills other than daily vitamins.
  • Be nice to your hair: Wearing hats or too tight pony tails might damage your hair. Too hot or too cold might also damage your hair. Using too much blow dryer or hair straighteners can also damage your hair. Washing your hair too often is not a good idea which will reduce natural oil in your hair.
  • Avoid dramatic weight loss or weight gain.
  • Avoid stress: Stress is a cause for many problems this can also affect your health as much as your hair health.
  • Use natural hair shampoos or hair conditioner vs. factory made with lot of chemical ingredient ones.
  • Be patient: Hair grows 0.5 inch a month, no matter what you do! To increase or beat this speed is not scientifically proven. So be patient……

If you want to learn more ways to make your hair grow faster, you can read my other posts here: How to make your hair grow faster