Top 10 Tips to Make Your Hair Grow Faster in One Week

  • Trim the split ends and damaged hair every few weeks or once a month. Healthy hair grows fast, and split ends and damaged hair can prevent your hair to grow. Regular trims allow your hair to be healthy. Strong and healthy hair grows faster than normal growth. Get rid of all damaged ends. Ask your hair dresser to cut and trim only the damaged hair and split ends not to make your hair shorter. This way you will have a faster hair growth. Blow dryers or other hair care tools such as hot curlers and flat iron can damage your hair. Wearing a pony tail can cause split ends and can stop your hair to grow fast. Do not use rubber bands as they come off of your hair rough, they tend to break off and damage your hair. Always be nice and gentle to your hair to grow it quicker.
  • Drink enough water and take daily fluids:Drink min. 10 glasses of water everyday, Water increases the blood circulation, therefore will help your hair grow quick. Also water is the carrier of nutrients to the blood cells which will help to improve overall health.
  • Treat your hair very carefully be gentle:Avoid any unnecessary brushing or combing, always brush your hair before shower and brush from root to tip. Never brush your hair when it’s wet, this can break your hair and cause damaged split ends, which we explained before. Best option is to brush your hair before shampooing. Avoid using hot water or hot blow dryers.
  • Massage your hair scalp:Massaging the scalp will increase hair growth by increasing blood circulation to your head. You can do this in the shower by shampoo or any time of the day. Get more exercise and get your heart rate up and and increase blood flow to your head. Also this relates to your overall health, if you have a healthy body your hair will grow quicker. Flip your head upside-down and help the blood flow to your head. Get a weekly scalp massage to increase stimulation and circulation to the hair follicles.
  • ExerciseExercising is another way to maintain overall health and increase blood circulation, therefore exercising will help your hair grow faster and longer. 3 times a week would be enough, exercise type doesn’t matter, any type of exercise changing your heart rate and increase the blood circulation in your body would be helpful. This will make an effect on your hair like massaging the hair scalp or roots, increasing blood circulation will make your hair stronger and healthier.
  • Get enough sleep and rest everyday:Lack of sleep can cause hair loss. Get a good amount of sleep everyday for a healthy body and healthy hair. Your hair grows faster if the body is healthy and at a good functioning level. Drinking water and getting enough fluid will help your hair grow faster and also your hair will look healthy and shiny. Get enough sleep, rest and relax. Avoid stress, stress can effect your overall health and hair growth rate and speed. Stress less, actually hair grows slower than normal rate when you are stressed to the max.
  • Eat wellAs we mentioned earlier your overall health is very important for the hair growth. Getting enough sleep, eating well, getting enough nutritions and vitamins also exercise will help hair grow quicker and longer. Eat healthy and get enough vitamins and nutritions everyday, focus on vitamin rich food such as green vegetables and fruit instead of fast food and deserts. Hair can only grow faster and longer if you eat well-balanced meals everyday. Avoid hair growth enemies such as bad lifestyle habits, like taking excessive caffeine, alcohol, fast food, too much sugar, nicotine etc. Avoid foods that are high in sugar or fat, drink fruit juice instead of carbonated sodas.
  • Do not wash your hair everyday or too oftenTry not to wash your hair everyday and too often. Natural oils in the hair can protect hair more than any other chemicals or hair care products. Avoid extreme hot or cold water.
  • Be patient or consider hair extension:Average persons hair only grows out 0.5 inch per month which makes six inches in a year. You can make your hair grow faster and longer by applying all these steps but don’t expect your hair to grow extremely fast in a very short time, like a miracle. Don’t waste your money on miracle hair care products on the market mostly “too good to be true” and don’t work. If you are not patient enough consider hair extensions. Make sure hair extensions applied by a hair care professional, which can cause hair damage and make your hair look fake.Those with curly hair will have to be more patient. It doesn’t mean that straight hair grows faster than curly hair, because of the structure, curly hair shows the hair growth less than straight hair.
  • Get enough sleep:Sleep helps your body relax and reduce the stress level. Not getting enough sleep might trigger the stress hormones and increase stress level. Try to go to bed at the same time everyday. Although everybody needs a different amount of sleep, six to eight hours is the average sleep time. Making sure to get enough sleep everyday and have the same schedule will help your hair grow faster.
  • Get vitamins:Try to get hair growth vitamins such as,BiotinVitamin BVitamin B12

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin A

    Vitamin K

    Vitamin E