How to survive a long distance relationship in 10 ways


  1. Define your terms, do and don’ts, your expectations on one another
  2. Be creative, the phone can boring tool of communication. Use email, web cam, text messaging and snail mail this will make it less boring. Mix it up a little make it exciting.
  3. Split costs, long distance relationships can be very expensive so be honest with one another about money, split phone bills, travel expenses and find ways to share expenses equally. Also, MSN, SKYPE and Yahoo are free this will limit long distance cost a great deal.
  4. Spend quality time together, when talking to one another, do not argue try to enjoy the few moments that you do have together. Try not to get hung up on how much you miss one another.
  5. Stay in touch with his/her family or friends if you can. This will make you feel as if your around your significant other until the 2 of you can be together physically again.
  6. Daily contact, sure we all get busy but daily contact when in a long distance relationship is very important.
  7. Plan a weekend to see each other, physical contact is also very important, this is a reminder of why you are waiting for one another in the first place. Some of the airlines offer great deals
  8. Plan a web cam date, make a web cam date once a week and spend a few hours as if the 2 of you were really together.
  9. Limited contact with the opposite sex, try not to put your self in awkward situation with a person from the opposite sex, we are only human and we do get lonely.
  10. Stay out of the club scene, drinking, loneliness and the club scene can be very bad for long distance relationships.
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