How do I make my hair grow faster?

I just got my hair cut, and i once had long curly hair, and the chicks digged it. Now I look like a mushroom (i had to get it cut for a haggish reason). What do I do I hear stress makes your hair stop, but I am so stressed out because it is my freshman year, and I don’t want to talk to the girls cus my hair is faggish.

It’s about 1 inch now how long do you think it will take to get 4 to 5 inches???
Yah, this is my facebook because I don’t know how to show a picture of myself anyother way. How long is my hair in that pic is it 4-5 inches???

How to make hair grow faster
How to make your hair grow faster
How do you make hair grow faster
How can you make hair grow faster