10 Symptoms of Codependent Relationships and Codependency Definition

  1. Low self esteem waiting and needing another’s approval to feel good about your self.
  2. Difficulty expressing your feelings
  3. Enabling (Doing for other’s what they are capable of doing for themselves)
  4. Being in a great mood until someone you know is having a bad day; Codependents are known to take on other’s moods.
  5. Tendency to place other’s needs over your own needs.
  6. Becoming to wrapped up in other’s lives such as loosing sleep, giving money that you don’t have, putting yourself at the risk of danger for this person.
  7. Controlling behavior over others (feeling like you can only do it right)
  8. Committing to things that you do not really want to do and then resenting it later.
  9. Feeling Worthless (Feeling like everyone’s needs are more important then your own)
  10. Do not know your limits.  (Being tired, hungry, sick or just needing to rest) Can’t say NO.

If you are suffering from 5 or more of these symptoms then you could be a codependent.

These are 10 signs of Codependent relationships and codependency behavior.  All of these can be signs of codependent relationships. If you are suffering from any of these codependent behaviors and it is consuming your life, there is help.  Seek counseling if you’re depressed or having suicidal thoughts (see 10 signs of depression on this site).

These are the best books about codependency and codependent relationships. I read all of them and I think Codependence the dance of the wounded souls is the best book about codependency.

Codependent No More

Beyond Codependency: And Getting Better All the Time

Codependence The Dance of Wounded Souls
